Scientists in Wales have shown some association between ADHD and the presence of deletions or duplications of DNA on Chromosome No 16. This was present in 16% of ADHD patients compared with less that 0.1% of a larger control group. I assume that the researchers must have use a publicity company to maximize the story.
So the apologists were out on the radio this morning, banging on about ADHD not being about bad parenting, bad diet and bad environment of upbringing.
Actually what the research shows is that the majority of kids with ADHD do not have any detectable genetic abnormality. So on the balance of probability the condition is multifactorial.
I spend a lot of hours on train travelling between Wales and London. I seem to see quite a few ADHD kids, gorging themselves on junk food, climbing all over the seats and running along the corridors. There seems to be an association with the following parental features:-
- Tattoos
- Tracksuits and trainers
- Mothers and elder female siblings having their hair tied in a tight top-knot, the so called council-house face lift
- Smelling of cigarette smoke
- A general lack of personal hygiene
It could be that those with DNA abnormalities are a subgroup worthy of further study. The researchers may have accidentally stumbled on the Chav gene.
If that's the case then we may look forward to antenatal screening, with a triple test for Downs and Chavvism. Whether a woman acts upon the result would be up to her.